I stop at the first bar on the left or right just before or just after the Post Office.......
If your not having fun, Lower your standards.......

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Ride Out

Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.
Looking forward riding out towards the start of Ragbrai, several people leaving tonight heading for Redfield for first leg of journey. talked with Jim, he's stick biking it towards Spencer, no bags carrying a Camelback Mule with a couple biking shorts and jerseys, hoteling it, having driving up friends carry his tent, and sleeping bag. (p*ssy) he is leaving friday for Jefferson.


Fisheads playing Monday in Humbolt which should be great party.

Friday, July 13, 2007

20 Years Later

Twenty years ago Ragbrai '87
When I rode with a team, did all the right things like making it to a overnight stop by 6:00pm, before I found out you could stop at a bar on ride, was in overnight way to early.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Morning Ride In

Have to enjoy a morning commute.
Test bike from Specialized, Squirrel rode into work
Nice ride in today 1 hour 25 min for the 17+ miles from West Des Moines to Ankeny, Ran into a fellow bagger who was out playing loaded with panniers, getting in some practice before heading out to Ragbrai, Nick reminded me about tunnel party on the 11th starting at Orlando's heading to Cumming Tap, and back with parties at both tunnels
Photo from a Haze Blaze a couple years ago

Monday, July 09, 2007

Uneventful Weekend

Moved I-pod up to space bar Saturday morning before heading of to a ride, can change music rolling down the road. Left camera at home could have used it while out. Dropped Squirrel's Nano off after hitting Post Office, Rassy's for some air in tires, down the trail I go, Set myself up for a ride out and back to be a Sully's at noon when they opened, riding the levey over by Demans Woods single track I hear Craig like a beer, turned bike around thought I was hearing things or just thinking outloud again, Found Justin and several others just inside the trail having a beer, they was just finishing up cutting grass and cleaning up trail. Sounds like sometime this week might hear from Melissa, looking forward to that.

Friday, July 06, 2007


So nice to be a work early in the morning
Picture of the moon
Picture of Sunrise, taken within a couple of minutes of each other

Monday, July 02, 2007

Seven Oaks MTB Race

Have a few more photo's to get posted tomorrow. Was a good time at Seven Oaks again looking forward to going up working the pits for Squirrel over Labor Day Weekend. I can drink all day long, ride a little (very little) listen to music, and just relax.......
Found a tree rat in hammock

Sorry Emily, didn't know you'ld look for where the voice came from